Friday, February 21, 2020

Decisions In Paradise 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decisions In Paradise 3 - Essay Example Then GT Corp should channel funds to establish the infrastructures needed for the school. As Education is a necessity for the youth of Kava, the school will have no problem in recruiting the local students. There are certain factors and/or considerations prevailing in Kava both in its internal as well as in its external environment, which could affect the deployment of the Business School. The first of the destructive factor that could affect the Business School are the ongoing problems with natural disasters. That is, with the Kava located in the Pacific, it has been and will also be under threat from natural and man made occurrences or destructions like Typhoons, Tornadoes, Floods, Fires, Volcanic eruptions, Earthquakes and Petroleum spill. These destructions will destroy the Business School if its intensity is greater and close to the school. These occurrences are a common phenomenon in the Pacific and Kava could be no exception to it. Also, with not so advanced technological setup and infrastructure, the whole island is like a sitting duck to the nature’s fury. Even if, GT Corp builds its Business School with inbuilt protections, there will be skeptics questioning its validi ty and pinpointing only the risk factors. And, if the skepticism also creeps into the different hierarchy of the corporation and into the minds of the stockholders or stake holders, the deployment will become difficult. That is, when the top management and the stockholders raise doubts about the project, the financial resources will be blocked leading to the failure of the project. Also, a great deal of financial resources will be again needed to rebuild or repair the Business School, if it comes under the fury of the nature. Another factor, which could affect the deployment of the School, could come in the form of costly healthcare in Kava, which will be needed for protection from

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SOCIAL CONTEXT OF HEALTH Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SOCIAL CONTEXT OF HEALTH - Outline Example Once every individual takes care of his/her health in a community, it will lead to a healthy community. Most minor cases of illnesses are treated and can be managed at home. The traditional approach of health has become common in the day to day world (Helman, 1978). In the past, illnesses were believed to be a result of satanic possessions or witches. Good health was brought about by balance in people, which included a balanced diet, exercises and sleep. If you got sick, it meant there was some imbalance (Heaman and Hardy, 2002). The theory of Miasma, developed in mid-17th century, leads to the interest of improving hygiene and sanitation. It resulted from poisonous gases that came from decayed matters in the soil and stagnant water and unhealthy jobs (Hardy, 1999). It made people be careful of their environment and make it clean and clear stagnant water. Helman’s work was based on the concept of ‘feed a cold, starve a fever’. Changes in temperature for example a fever is seen as ones carelessness (Helman, 1978). If a person exposes him or herself to cold, rainy weather he is bound to get sick so if people keep warm when needed it can prevent infection and for those who already get a cold can manage the sickness at home by resting in bed and eating and drinking hot food and drinks(Hardy, 1999). Helmans work tried to explain treatment in a lay-man’s language instead of scientific ways that are complicated to understand especially for ordinary people (Helman, 1978). Although sickness at times is beyond our control, the best way of preventing sickness and promoting health is by people to take responsibility of their own health. Hardy, A. (1999). Edwin Chadwick Revisited Christopher Hamlin, Public health and social justice in the age of Chadwick: Britain, 1800–1854, Cambridge History of Medicine series, Cambridge University Press, 1998. Medical History, 43(2),